Units Gear Finder

Greatbrush of Seven Colors

StonePhysical 75%
StoneMagic 75%

Weapon Stats:

HP: 5000 MAG: 220


Type: MaceSlot: Weapon


Increase physical and magic damage against Stones by 75%

Increase equipment MAG by 100% when armed with a single weapon (and no shield)


A large brush with black lacquer coating and a mother-of-pearl inlay. It was once used by a renowned artist to create massive paintings in front of audiences. The paintings—with leaves that would sway in the wind and branches that would don and shed flowers with the seasons—were said to be imbued with Mother Nature's very breath. Many wish to obtain this brush, as it is said to still contain the master painter's spiritual power.


How to obtain

STMR Poppy -Warrior's Prayer-


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