Units Gear Finder

Angeal's Clothes (CCFVIIR)

BeastPhysical 50%
BeastMagic 50%
HumanPhysical 50%
HumanMagic 50%

Weapon Stats:

ATK: 100 DEF: 41 SPR: 57


Type: Cloth ArmorSlot: Chest


Increase physical and magic damage against Beasts by 50%

Increase physical and magic damage against Humans by 50%

Increase ATK by 50% when equipped with a sword

Increase ATK by 50% when equipped with a great sword


Clothes from a faraway world. This is the standard uniform for elite SOLDIERs in service of the megacorporation Shinra. It is said to have been worn by a young man who acted as a sort of leader, well-loved by his comrades for his sincerity and kindness.


How to obtain

STMR Angeal


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Select Primary Killer
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