Units Gear Finder


BeastPhysical 30%
BeastMagic 30%
AvianPhysical 30%
AvianMagic 30%
HumanPhysical 30%
HumanMagic 30%
InsectPhysical 30%
InsectMagic 30%
PlantPhysical 30%
PlantMagic 30%


Type: MateriaSlot: Ability Slot


Increase physical and magic damage against Beasts by 30%

Increase physical and magic damage against Avians by 30%

Increase physical and magic damage against Humans by 30%

Increase physical and magic damage against Insects by 30%

Increase physical and magic damage against Plants by 30%


How to obtain

Mission Reward Chamber of Arms - The Peaceful Mage of Purity


Select Damage Type
Select Item Type
Select Primary Killer
Select Weapons