Units Gear Finder

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Trial Type:

Chamber Of Arms

Killer Weakness:

Demon, Human

Boss Notes:

Immune to all status ailments

Breakable Stats:

Vulnerable to ATK DEF MAG SPR breaks

Elemental Resists:

moogle tip

Moogle Tip

  • Use magic against the enemy if you notice that its form is hazy. If you want to use physical attacks, use dispel first, or simply attack multiple times to finally get through to it.
  • After the enemy activates dark judgment, the enemy's action changes depending on the attacks you direct towards it, so you will need to be careful on what action to take.
  • The enemy uses attacks that can instantly KO your units, such as execution and behead, but be warned as those can't be blocked.
  • The enemy will also activate magic is being absorbed!, which nulls magic once, so be careful.
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